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Antioch Baptist Church of Knoxville

Worldwide Missions

Learn the Bible Web is sponsored by Antioch Baptist Church of Knoxville. We are a conservative King James Bible believing  Independent Baptist Church located in Knoxville Tennessee (TN).



We are currently the sending church for five missionary/missionary families on foreign fields.  Due to this we were compelled to establish Antioch Baptist Church Missions, which serves as the mission agency for those who are sent out of our church.


The Missions Program at Antioch Baptist Church is a worldwide outreach based on faith and prayer.  As the Lord leads, Pastor Reagan invites missionaries to come and present their field and work to the church.  Missionaries we already support will always be given priority even on a short notice.  The pastor and his wife often have a meal with the prospective missionary in order to get to know him and his family better.  If God leads and the money is available, Pastor Reagan will recommend the missionary so the church can vote on whether or not to begin support.

The missionaries are supported by Antioch Baptist Church out of the Missions Account.  This is a special fund set aside exclusively for the support of missionaries.  All money given to the Missions Account goes to missionaries and missionary work.  Even the stamps and envelopes used to send the money comes out of the Regular Account, not the Missions Account.  Also, love offerings given to visiting missionaries come out of the Regular Account.  The Missions Account is reserved for the regular support of missionaries (and sometimes for special missions projects).

You give to missions by putting special offerings in the envelope and marking the missions box. This is the only way you give money directly to missions.  Every dollar placed in these envelopes will be divided among the missionaries we support.  You are encouraged to pray and seek God’s will as to how much you should give to the Missions Program.

If you are already giving, occasionally take time to pray and ask God if you should increase the amount of your giving and, if so, by how much.  No pledges have ever been taken at Antioch Baptist Church.  We want this to be between you and God.  However, we suggest that you personally commit to some form of regular gift to missions.  It may be a certain amount each week or each month.  This helps us to send consistent support to the missionaries who are counting on us but it also becomes a great source of blessing to the giver.

Each month, the church bookkeeper writes the checks for each missionary and sends them out.  As finances are available, we either look for new missionaries to support or look at increasing the amount we give our present missionaries.  It is the policy of the pastor not to allow money to pile up in the Missions Account while the need is so great.  Your mission’s money quickly goes to work in the outreach of the gospel. 


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Antioch Baptist Church
5709 North Broadway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37918

© 2006 Antioch Baptist Church Knoxville Tennessee