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Praise and Worship God

The last psalm appropriately focuses on praising the Lord.  As with each of the last five psalms (146-150), this psalm begins the first verse with “Praise ye the LORD” and ends the last verse with “Praise ye the LORD.”  In six short verses, we are commanded to praise the Lord a total of thirteen times.  This passage certainly gives a proper closing benediction for the book of Psalms.

Notice especially the second verse, which states, “Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.”  This verse points out one of the primary divisions in the glory of God.  First, we are to praise Him for His “mighty acts.”  This points to the work of God; what He does.  We can praise Him for the works of creation, preservation, redemption and more.  God is great because of what He does.  Make sure you praise Him for His works.

Second, we are to praise Him according to His “excellent greatness.”  This refers to God’s very being; who He is as a person.  This includes His inner qualities such as His eternity, holiness, righteousness and power.  These are often called the attributes of God.  They are the qualities of His personal character.  We should praise Him for these perfections as well as for His wonderful works.

Even those who praise God, tend to emphasize His works over His perfections.  We should balance our praise of God, remembering both His mighty acts and his excellent greatness.  Do you praise the Lord in your time of prayer?  Do you praise Him in your daily walk of life?  List at least three of His works and three characteristics of His greatness and remember to praise Him for those things today.