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The Vision of Faith

One by one, this chapter names off its heroes of faith. One by one, this passage encapsules the great work that was accomplished in their lives by faith. By faith, Abel sacrificed more. By faith, Enoch went further. By faith, Noah accomplished more. By faith, Abraham sought longer. Faith is that unfaltering confidence in the promises of God that makes a man give more, go further, work harder and hold on longer than he would have for any other reason. This passage also defines the essence of faith in action.

Faith is Unseen (v.1)

You cannot wear it, eat it, live in it or drive it. You cannot pull it out of your pocket and show someone else how much you have. You cannot use it as collateral at the bank or prove it by mathematical formula. Yet, without it you are bankrupt; you are trying to build a house with no foundation; your car is skidding out of control and heading toward the cliff.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It is the evidence of things not seen. Faith latches on to the future—not with the hook of blind hope, or government projections, or genies in a bottle—but with the hook of God’s own promises as found in His Word. Faith builds on the Book. Faith seeks God until the x axis of God’s Word, the y axis of prayer and the z axis of providence all join together in one great intersect thus identifying God’s holy will. Faith then takes hold of the task and refuses to let go through battle, fire and storm.

Faith Sees (v.3)

Faith (through God’s Word) understands mysteries that baffle philosophers and scientists. Faith begins to see the world as only God sees it. Faith sees the beginning (v.3) and the end—having “respect unto the recompense of the reward” (v.26). Faith sees good and bad, true and false, holy and profane. Faith sees because it sees through divine spectacles.

Faith is Seen (v.6)

Men cannot see your faith. God cannot see you without faith. The lost man will finally hear the harshest words ever spoken: “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:23). “But without faith it is impossible to please him.” Without faith, God does not even notice. Yet, He testifies, “to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word” (Isaiah 66:2). And who trembles at God’s Word but the one who believes it? To have faith is to gain God’s eye; to practice faith is to bring His smile.

Take inventory.

  • Where is your faith?
  • Does your faith teach you how to view the world?
  • Does it move you to sacrifice and work and continue when every visible sign says QUIT?
  •  Is it founded in holy promises, prayer and providence?
  • Can you put your faith concerning Gods purpose for you into words? Noah could say, God is going to destroy the earthy and I must build the ark. Abraham could say, God is going to give me a city and I muse seek it. By your faith, what can you say about Gods will for your life?

If you have no answers to these questions, then find the mountain God’s will for you and take it by faith.