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Do All to the Glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Introductory Thoughts

God calls people into different works. As an added blessing, He equips those people with various abilities to accomplish the work in which He has called them. In the midst of all this diversity, a common thread unites all the work of God and that thread is that men ought to do all they do “to the glory of God.” If a man prays (and he should), he should do it to the glory of God. If he witnesses to the lost (and he should), he should do so to the glory of God. If he reads his Bible (and he should), he should do it to the glory of God. “Whatsoever ye do,” the Bible says, “do all to the glory of God.” It is not merely what a man does that is important, but why he does what he does is also very important.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): If we remember what the Lord did for us, we should have no trouble doing things for the right reasons and bringing Him glory (1 Corinthians 6:20). You will cause others to glorify Him too (Matthew 5:16).
  • (For everyone): What are you doing in the service of the Lord? For what reason or reasons are you doing this work? Are your motives pure? Are they scriptural?
  • Are you willing to examine your motives? Are you willing to repent if you have improper motives? Are you interested in doing the right things but also for the right reasons?

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask God to help you do a thorough examination of your motives.
  • Thank God for His willingness to help you grow in Him.
