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If Any Be Blameless (Titus 1:6-9)

Introductory Thoughts

It is not an inconsequential matter to be called of God to serve Him. In that service, there are certain things that benefit every believer regardless of position or office held. Yet, the Bible emphasizes an even higher qualification for living for those called to an office within the New Testament church. According to Titus 1:6-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-2, a man who desires the office of a bishop must, among other things, be blameless. This blamelessness (absence of blame) should extend to his home (1 Timothy 3:2, 4-5), to his dealings with other believers (1 Timothy 3:2-3), and to his dealings with the world (1 Timothy 3:7). The Lord gave similar qualifications for those who would serve in the office as a deacon (1 Timothy 3:10).

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): Timothy was a young disciple whom Paul desired to have for a companion in his missionary work. He had a reputation that was blameless (Acts 16:1-3a; Philippians 2:19-23).
  • (For everyone): Why is it so important for those who serve in the church to be blameless? Do you know of people who might have justified quitting church because of something a pastor or deacon did that brought blame upon the church and the gospel ministry?
  • How does it strengthen the work of God when those holding an office within the church strive to live blameless lives?

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask the Lord to protect those in leadership in your church.
  • Thank God for the testimony of those who serve in your church.
