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Love Solves the Problem (Romans 13:9-10)

Introductory Thoughts

Many people, in the strength of their own flesh, seek to keep the law. Yet, the Bible says the law is “comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Strength of flesh has never been, nor ever will be, a sustaining strength to do right. Love, on the other hand, “covereth all sins” (Proverbs 10:12). Love refuses to murder, only executing righteous judgment in accordance with the will of God. We read in scripture that when murders abound, the love of many grows cold (Matthew 24:4-12). Abel could have lived another day had Cain loved the Lord and loved his brother more than he loved himself. The people of God are to be a people full of the love of God, and as such, they should place the utmost value upon the lives of the innocent.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): When Joseph was governor of Egypt, he could have easily sought out revenge upon his brothers. They later asked his forgiveness (Genesis 50:15-21), but he had already forgiven them (Genesis 42:8, 21-24a; Genesis 45:14-15). Through this type of forgiveness, Joseph displayed his love of God.
  • (For everyone): Read Matthew 22:34-40. What concept is included in both commandments mentioned by the Lord Jesus? What did the Lord mean in verse 40 when He said, On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets?
  • Are there people you would rather see dead? Are those individuals saved? How could love move you to desire for them to live rather than die?

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask the Lord to give you a greater love for those around you.
  • Ask God to help you understand that love spares life.
