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Are you willing to give yourself to charity, a good conscience and faith in the words of God? According to the scriptures, a departure from these principles will end in danger every time.
If tomorrow never made its presence known to you, what would you leave undone?
What are you doing with the times in which God has allowed you to live? The Bible says that David served his generation well, but what would be said of you?
We must have a heart for fallen brothers and sisters.
The Lord wanted Jeremiah to see the work of the potter with the clay, for if he understood this, he would understand much of the work of the Lord with His people.
The amazing story of Jonah and the whale has been a favorite of children and a target of Bible-deniers. We hold that God’s word is true in all its details and have no problem believing that God prepared a great fish that could swallow a man and spit him up still alive three days later. The messages of this story are many. God holds his man responsible for the commands he has received. We also see God as the God of mercy.