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The story is ending. The last of the founding patriarchs are dying. This is a story of burials and not of births. Yet, hope remains. It remains in the hearts. It remains in the last request of Joseph to carry his bones back to the land of Canaan when God visits His people.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Jacob’s time is short. It will not be long before he departs this world. Before he passes, he calls for his sons to gather together that he might tell them the things that will befall them in the last days. Some of the sons receive good news, while others hear of loss and condemnation.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
So often in the Bible and in daily life, we see the results of those who do not endure the temptation to sin. Over and over again, we are warned of the dangers of temptation. However, this story shows us one who was tempted and yet did not sin (1 Corinthians 10:13). Joseph is an example to us all in his resistance to temptation.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Jacob’s vow (Genesis 28:20) asked of God both provision and protection. In this lesson, God gives provision and protection to Jacob. However, He also shows Jacob that the provision he receives is definitely from God and not a result of Jacob’s own manipulations. When Jacob’s wages become the marked cattle, he tries to make the cattle with the right marks be born (Genesis 30:37-42). But Laban changes his wages ten times (Genesis 31:7, 41) and makes it impossible for Jacob to influence the outcome. Finally, Jacob realizes that the Lord is the One who is blessing him (Genesis 31:7-9, 42).<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Jacob is still the deceiver. However, God is still blessing him and is certainly teaching him. In this lesson, he learns what it is to be deceived himself. We should consider our actions in like manner. Would we be willing to receive from others what we give to them?<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>