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The Power of the Blood

INTRODUCTION: Britannica encyclopedia has 43 pages of articles on blood. The Bible has 439 references to blood (438 to life, 410 to flesh, 457 to soul). It is emphasized from Genesis to Revelation.

  1. It Is Life (Deuteronomy 12:23; Proverbs 4:23)
    1. Not To Drink Blood
      1. Before law  (Genesis 9:4; 2Samuel 23:16-17)
      2. Under law  (Leviticus 17:14 contrast with Ezekiel 39:18-19)
      3. After law  (Acts 15:19,20) - Mans refusal to drink blood separates him from and honors the life that God gives.
    2. Not To Shed Blood (Genesis 37:22, 26; Revelation 16:3-6)
      1. No satisfaction  (Numbers 35:31-33; Deuteronomy 19:11-13; Deuteronomy 21:1-9)
      2. George Washington killed by bleeding - 1799
  2. It Carries Guilt or Innocence - Abels blood (Genesis 4:10)
    1. Guilt   (Genesis 9:5, 6; Ezekiel 22:1-4, 13)
    2. Innocence   (Jeremiah 19:4; Matthew 27:4)
  3. It Carries Corruption
    1. Not to Inherit the Kingdom of God (1Corinthians 15:50; Luke 24:39)
    2. Inherited Through the Fathers (Romans 5:12; Exodus 20:5)
  4. It Is Precious
    1. The blood of innocents  (Jeremiah 19:4)
    2. The blood of those loved by God   (Psalm 72:14)
    3. The blood of God    (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 1:19)
      1. No guilt no sin practice   (1 Peter 2:22; Matthew 27:4)
      2. No corruption no sin nature no human father  (2Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 1:18)
  5. It Atones
    1. Through blood  (Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 9:22)
    2. Through HIS blood
      1. Justification  (Romans 5:9)
      2. Redemption  (Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14; Revelation 5:9)
      3. Reconciliation  (Colossians 1:20-21)
    3. Perfect redemption requires perfect atonement
      1. Perfect blood  (1 Peter 1:18-19)
      2. Perfect cleansing   (1 John 1:7)
      3. Perfect atonement (Romans 5:11)


Exodus 12:3-5
This world needs the atonement of “a lamb” (Exodus 12:3)
But only “the lamb” (Exodus 12:4; John 1:29) can avail
Have you made the Lamb “your lamb” (Exodus 12:5)?
Are you telling others about the blood of the Lamb?