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Bible Concordance: "O"

Word "O" found in 964 verse(s), 133 chapter(s) and 49 book(s).

What the Bible says about "O":

Psalms 119:57
Thou art my portion, O LORD: I have said that I would keep thy words.
Psalms 119:64
The earth, O LORD, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy statutes.
Psalms 119:65
Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O LORD, according unto thy word.
Psalms 119:75
I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.
Psalms 119:89
For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
Psalms 119:97
O how I love thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
Psalms 119:107
I am afflicted very much: quicken me, O LORD, according unto thy word.
Psalms 119:108
Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, and teach me thy judgments.
Psalms 119:137
Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments.
Psalms 119:145
I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes.
Psalms 119:149
Hear my voice according unto thy lovingkindness: O LORD, quicken me according to thy judgment.
Psalms 119:151
Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth.
Psalms 119:156
Great are thy tender mercies, O LORD: quicken me according to thy judgments.
Psalms 119:159
Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness.
Psalms 119:169
Let my cry come near before thee, O LORD: give me understanding according to thy word.
Psalms 119:174
I have longed for thy salvation, O LORD; and thy law is my delight.
Psalms 120:2
Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.
Psalms 122:2
Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.
Psalms 123:1
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens.
Psalms 123:3
Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt.
Psalms 125:4
Do good, O LORD, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.
Psalms 126:4
Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south.
Psalms 130:1
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.
Psalms 130:3
If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
Psalms 132:8
Arise, O LORD, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 11:1

A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
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