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Bible Concordance: "secure"

Word "secure" found in 7 verse(s), 5 chapter(s) and 3 book(s).

What the Bible says about "secure":

Judges 8:11
And Gideon went up by the way of them that dwelt in tents on the east of Nobah and Jogbehah, and smote the host; for the host was secure.
Judges 18:7
Then the five men departed, and came to Laish, and saw the people that were therein, how they dwelt careless, after the manner of the Zidonians, quiet and secure; and there was no magistrate in the land, that might put them to shame in any thing; and they were far from the Zidonians, and had no business with any man.
Judges 18:10
When ye go, ye shall come unto a people secure, and to a large land: for God hath given it into your hands; a place where there is no want of any thing that is in the earth.
Judges 18:27
And they took the things which Micah had made, and the priest which he had, and came unto Laish, unto a people that were at quiet and secure: and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and burnt the city with fire.
Job 11:18
And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in safety.
Job 12:6
The tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure; into whose hand God bringeth abundantly.
Matthew 28:14
And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 19:24

A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.
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