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Results for Luke

Christ a Physician

We read, Job 13:4, of “physicians of no value:” such indeed are all to whom application for remedy is made, besides this heavenly Physician, who never fails to cure such as receive his prescriptions. In what respects Christ is termed a Physician, is to be seen in the following parallel.k

Type: Article

Israel - A Land of Blessing

Deuteronomy 8:8 names seven products that come as blessings in Israel. This article brings out the typology of the wheat, barley, vines, figs, pomegranates, olive oil, and honey.

Type: Article

Time and Eternity

One of our most precious commodities is time. We struggle with the proper use of time. This psalm begins with the eternity of God, powerfully expresses the brevity of man’s years, and closes with help on how to number our days.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Christ a Mediator

Mediator as applied to Christ, is borrowed from persons, whose office it is to reconcile such parties as are at variance, being as it were in the middle, betwixt both, soliciting the cause of each to the other, till they bring them to concord or agreement.

Type: Article

The Word of God Compared to a Hammer

The Word of God is prepared by the Almighty, a fit means to break in pieces the stony, and rocky hearts of sinners.

Type: Article

Christ the Servant of God

Christ in his humiliation was abased so low, as to be in subjection to the Father.

Type: Article

Jonah Displeased

In this chapter, God gives Jonah a lesson in mercy. Jonah knew the evil Nineveh had done and probably knew of the evil Nineveh would do to Israel. As such, he wished that the city be destroyed and was angry when God had pity on the city.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Genesis - Introduction

An indepth outline of introductory notes on the Book of Genesis.

Type: University Outlines

The Conspiracy of Jehu

This chapter records the vengeance of the Lord against the house of Ahab. Ahab has already died according to the word of the Lord, but God has business to finish with the house of Ahab and with Jezebel. All His prophecies are carried out to the letter. This lesson reminds us that vengeance belongs to the Lord and that He will fulfill His part (Deuteronomy 32:35; Romans 12:19; see also Ecclesiastes 8:11).

Type: Sunday School Outlines

The Reigns of Hazael and Jehoram

We enter into a time of confusion in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Because of their sins, God had judged them with defeat at the hand of the Syrians and famine in the land. Yet, they did not return to the Lord. However, in the restoration of land to the woman whose son was restored to life, we see that God continues to watch over those who are faithful to Him. May the Lord help us to be found faithful in these last days.

Type: Sunday School Outlines
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 10:15

The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.