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Results for John

What Happened to Lazarus?

What happened to Lazarus, the one that was raised from the dead, after Jesus was crucified?

Type: Question and Answer

The Death of Lazarus

I have a question about John 11:1-45 especially verses 6 & 17. If Jesus stayed 2 more days how could Lazarus have been dead 4 days? Was he already dead when the message came to Jesus?

Type: Question and Answer

Eating The Flesh Of The Son Of Man

What does the Bible mean when it says that we are to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus Christ?

Type: Question and Answer

The Resurrection Events

Why did Jesus tell Mary not to touch Him since he had not ascended? When did he ascend? Did not he invite Thomas to thrust his hand in his side? Also when did Jesus present the blood to the Father? Was it the literal blood that came from his body on the cross?

Type: Question and Answer

Casting The Children's Bread To Dogs

What did Jesus mean when He said that it was not meet to cast the children's bread to dogs?

Type: Question and Answer


In Matthew 2:23 it says "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene." I have looked quite thoroughly for this verse in the prophets but cannot find it. Can you help with this?

Type: Question and Answer

The Lord's Brothers and Sisters

I've been reading the Bible and it says in Matthew that Jesus had 4 brothers and it mentions he had sisters, but it doesn't give their names or how many. I was wondering if you knew what happened to his brothers and sisters and what the sister's names were?

Type: Question and Answer

The Opening of the Ear

In Psalm 40:6 we read "mine ears hast thou opened", but when it was quoted in Hebrews 10:5 it says "a body thou hast prepared me". Why was it quoted differently?

Type: Question and Answer

Studying the Bible

Some of the great characteristics of the Bible are its complexity, depth, and sheer volume. God did not send just a little information, but He sent us everything He wanted us to have in this life to learn about Him, His love for us, His provision of salvation, and how to live life victoriously through Him. The Bible isn

Type: Question and Answer

Why I Am Not A Charismatic

Why do we as a church oppose the charismatic movement? What are some of the doctrinal errors of the charismatic movement? This answer gives a list of problems we have with the doctrine and the practices of the charismatics. They are not meant to be a personal attack on those who dearly hold to them, but perhaps they can be topics of consideration for those who follow the charismatic teaching.

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 1:13

We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: