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Results for Revelation

Jerusalem a Place of Prosperity and Praise (Daily Portion 10330)

This chapter provides a beautiful picture of Jerusalem in the future kingdom age. The glory of the Lord will shine upon it and the Gentiles will come unto it. Jerusalem will be a place of prosperity and praise. It will be blessed with the glory of God and will be a joy of many generations.

Type: Devotional

The Book of Ecclesiastes - Introduction

Ecclesiastes declares the absolute vanity of all things under the sun. Biblical vanity does not refer to an excessive care on good looks. Biblical vanity is emptiness or worthlessness.

Type: Article

Seven Natural Divisions of the Bible

God is a God of order. He is also a God who divides. Even on the first day of creation, He divided the light from the darkness. And, He expects His servants to rightly divide His word (2Timothy 2:15).

Type: Article

Defining Calvinism

Type: Book page

The Defilement of the Temple (Daily Portion 10329)

This psalm mourns the defilement of the temple and the destruction of Jerusalem. It almost certainly refers to the Babylonian conquest under Nebuchadnezzar. The psalmist cries, How long, and pleas that God remember not their former iniquities. The psalm closes with a confirmation that they are God’s people and that they will give Him thanks forever.

Type: Devotional

God as the Rock (Daily Portion 10327)

This chapter records the song of Moses that God gave to him as a teaching tool for the children of Israel. Do not look for stanzas of the hymn, for it has none. Instead, this song is built around the theme of God as the Rock who is superior to all other rocks.

Type: Devotional

Work - Blessing or Curse

The work place has changed beyond all recognition since the Bible was written, so the question is, “Is it still relevant today for the modern worker?” I believe the answer is clearly yes, and God willing as we look at the scriptures you will see why.

Type: Article

Thank the Baptists for Freedom of Religion

Persecution of the Baptists did not cease with the Roman Catholic church but it continued with the Protestants. Baptists, however, stood for liberty of conscience, not only for themselves, but they also stood for the freedom of Catholics, Jews, Turks, Protestants and heretics to worship God according to their conscience without the intervention of government.

Type: Article

Christ - A Lamb

How, and in what respects Christ may be called a Lamb?

Type: Article

Christ - A King

There is no higher name or title to set forth dignity amongst men, than kings or mighty potentates.

Type: Article
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 16:26

He that laboureth laboureth for himself; for his mouth craveth it of him.