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Results for Mark

Tradition Defiles Scripture

Alfred Edersheim wrote a major life of Christ called "The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah." Edersheim's Jewish heritage gave him interesting insights into many of the beliefs and ways of life during the time of Christ. In his book (Vol.11, p.12), he wrote of the Jewish traditions concerning the defilement of hands and the accusation that Jesus did not keep these traditions (as recorded in Mark 7:1-9).

Type: Blog Entry

Skating on Thin Ice

In early April of 2006, many of the major news media outlets (including MSNBC's website: carried a story about a Florida State University professor who tried to help the Lord out by explaining a miracle, a supernatural event, in natural terms.

Type: Blog Entry

No Wonder the Lord Called Us Sheep

We are so gullible and Hollywood knows it. The home video division of Twentieth Century Fox said Tuesday it will acquire family friendly movies and market them under the FoxFaith banner. Is it because of a revival at Fox? Of course not. It is because Christians are gullible enough to buy every one of their movies. See if you recognize these titles, "The Passion of Christ" (which is based on the visions of a nun rather than scripture), "The Chronicles of Narnia", and "Woman, Thou art Loosed" (which has scenes of nakedness and dancing).

Type: Blog Entry

Skull Fashion

Today's "Knoxville News-Sentinel" has an article on how skulls have become a big fashion statement. What used to be reserved for the underground and Goth kids has become mainstream. Skulls are everywhere. The fashion designers use them because of their connection with poison, danger, pirates, and death. Although most popular with the young, they can give an edge to older fashionistas who want to look tough. Isaiah 65:4 tells us of those "Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels." The Maniac of Gadara who was delivered by Jesus Christ also had "his dwelling among the tombs" (Mark 5:3). We have a generation that is given to death. They dwell among the tombs and need to be delivered from the evil one.

Type: Blog Entry

God Gathers the Outcasts (Daily Portion 10302)

In this chapter, God gathers the outcasts of Israel (mentioning the stranger, or foreigner, and the eunuch) and gives them a prominent place in His covenant. They will be blessed as God makes His house a house of prayer for all people. Yet, God continues to be angry with the shepherds who serve themselves alone and live as greedy dogs.

Type: Devotional

A Dumb Spirit

Can you tell me what a dumb spirit is?

Type: Question and Answer

Husband of One Wife

We have been going over the qualifications of a bishop and I was wondering if a divorced man can Pastor or not?

Type: Question and Answer

Confirmation - Does It Save?

My wife is a Methodist and she says she has been confirmed. Is this the same as salvation or not?

Type: Question and Answer

Anointing with Oil

Do Christians require anointing oil, i.e. olive oil, to heal the sick, as instructed in James?

Type: Question and Answer

The Disappearing Bible

The new versions have long been accused of removing phrases and verses from the Bible. Is it possible that they are removing concepts as well?

Type: Devotional
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:20

That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.