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Results for Luke

Owe No Man

Romans 13:8 tells us to owe no man anything but love. But, does this mean that we cannot incur any kind of debt?

Type: Devotional

Vow of the Nazarite

A man or woman who took the vow of the Nazarite, did so of their own free will. It was a person from the depths of their heart wanting to separate from the world and unto God. Do you love God enough to separate yourself unto Him?

Type: Devotional

Under the Sun Theology

The best the world has to offer can only be perfected in the precepts of God

Type: Devotional

The Fall of Adam and Eve

Man’s first chance at paradise was lost because he listened to the lies of the devil and did the one thing that God had kept from him.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Knowing God

Is knowing God nothing more than an intellectual exercise to the Bible-believer? Are we allowed to have an experiential knowledge of Him?

Type: Devotional

The Habit of Giving

Are we commanded to tithe in the age of grace? What should we be giving if anything to our local churches? This article deals with giving of finances but also with giving of ourselves. What kind of habit should we have when it comes to giving?

Type: Devotional

Schools for Preachers

What does the Bible say about men going to school to be a preacher?

Type: Question and Answer

Is it Wrong to Pray for Patience?

Is it wrong to pray for patience?

Type: Question and Answer

Lessons for Worship

What lessons can we learn about worship today based on these warnings and commands about worship in Old Testament times in Ecclesiastes 5:1-7?

Type: Question and Answer

God Supplies Our Needs

Giving to the Lord is not some sort of maneuver by which we obligate God to send us money. It all belongs to Him and we can never put God in obligation to us.

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 10:9

He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.