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Results for Luke

Recognition in Heaven

Will we actually recognize our friends and relations who have accepted Christ and died before us on this earth?

Type: Question and Answer

Marriage in Heaven

Will those that are married on Earth still be married in Heaven and know each other as Husband and Wife?

Type: Question and Answer

The Cloud of Witnesses

Do those in Heaven see us and know what is going on in the Earth? Are those in Hebrews chapter 11 watching on and so we are to do our best for their sakes?

Type: Question and Answer

Jewelry - Is it a Sin to Wear?

I have read that all sort of necklaces, ear rings, lip stick, etc. are sinful yet I remember seeing another article where it was saying that the bride was adorned while marrying. Could you please provide Biblical verses and wholesome comments?

Type: Question and Answer

Why Holy Ghost?

Why is God the Holy Spirit sometimes called the Holy Ghost? Wouldn't a ghost be more like a spoof than God?

Type: Question and Answer

Who Does God Bless?

I'm having a discussion with a friend about who gets blessings from God. She says God blesses everyone. I say God blesses the one who has faith and seeks him. Who does God Bless?

Type: Question and Answer

Who are the Two Witnesses?

The identity of the two witnesses of the Book of Revelation is a highly disputed topic. As objectively as possible we will look at the main interpretations and give the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Type: Question and Answer

Where are the Old Testament Saints Today?

The people of the old testament who were saints, are they still in heaven, If God comes back for the second time for us, are we going to meet this people, or are they no more existing?

Type: Question and Answer

Who did John Baptize?

Did John the Baptist baptize Gentiles or only Jews?

Type: Question and Answer

What Is Outer Darkness?

What is the connection between "outer darkness" and "gnashing of teeth"?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 10:11

The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.