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Results for Romans

A Reprobate Mind

Can a Christian be turned over to a reprobate mind? I just wonder because there are some people who seem to fall away from God and never desire to go back.

Type: Question and Answer

Regeneration in the Old Testament

The Bible says that if any have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His. In the Old Testament, the spirit of God would come upon a man and leave him. How can an Old Testament person be regenerated by the Spirit if this is so?

Type: Question and Answer

Questions about the Kingdom

After the tribulation, will those who survived enter the kingdom in their human bodies? During the kingdom will there be sin on earth?

Type: Question and Answer


Doesn't the Bible indicate that God has already chosen those He will save, we just do not know who they are, because we do not have the "foreknowledge" spoken about in the Bible?

Type: Question and Answer

Passover Celebration

I would like to know when to celebrate Passover and what the real traditions are that the Lord requires?

Type: Question and Answer

Ordinances Nailed to Cross

Where in the Bible does it state that the ceremonial law was nailed to the cross?

Type: Question and Answer

Once Saved Always Saved

Please explain what this means, I'm not sure I understand it.

Type: Question and Answer

The Old and New Covenants

The Bible deals with the Old and the New Covenant. What is the difference between the two? Who did God make the covenants with?

Type: Question and Answer

No Longer Saved?

I have been asked about when being truly saved when you were a young person and then falling short on the glory of God and doing some really bad stuff like committing adultery and bad language. Does this mean you are no longer saved?

Type: Question and Answer

Michael's Angels

Why are the Angels described as being Michael's angels and not God's angels or Christ's angels? Is it possible that Michael could be part of the God head?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:15

Whose ways are crooked, and they froward in their paths: