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Results for Geography

A Window of Time to Serve - Acts 13:36

This life offers only a window of time to work for the Lord. Youth and old age both offer their own hindrances to service. In many ways, though not entirely, youth should be spent in learning, middle age in doing, and old age in teaching. Many of the greatest servants of the Lord found in scripture began their journey in youth by learning of the Lord and His ways (1 Kings 18:12; Psalm 71:5; 2 Chronicles 34:3; Job 29:4; Ecclesiastes 12:1). As they approached the prime of life, they put their learning to use by serving the Lord (Numbers 8:24-25). As they passed their prime, they would pass their knowledge on to the next generation in hopes the work of God would go on (2 Timothy 4:1-8).

Type: Devotional

The Deaths of Jacob & Joseph

The story is ending. The last of the founding patriarchs are dying. This is a story of burials and not of births. Yet, hope remains. It remains in the hearts. It remains in the last request of Joseph to carry his bones back to the land of Canaan when God visits His people.

Numbered List

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Abraham’s Meeting with God

This section of the Bible gives a great lesson on hospitality. But, more than that, it deals with fellowship with God. Abraham received the Lord into his home and the Lord felt enough confidence in Abraham to reveal to him what He was getting ready to do.

Numbered List

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Only a Link In the Chain - By: Meditation on Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Alone, Moses climbed the rugged path to the top of Mount Pisgah in the land of Moab. Though preserved in body and mind, his 120 years (40 of them in the wilderness) made him worn in years and in battles. His last battle was his attempt to enter the Promised Land. He lost. He was to die after seeing the land from the mountain top.

Type: Devotional

Four Angels in the Euphrates

In Revelation chapter 9 we read about the loosing of four angels who have been bound in the Euphrates. Who are these angels? What is their purpose? Why were they bound in the Euphrates?

Type: Question and Answer

Visions of Warning (Daily Portion 10224)

In this chapter, God gives Zechariah two visions of warning. First, he sees a flying roll, which is identified as the curse. This pictures the law of God and the curse on those who disobey it. Second, he sees a woman sitting in a basket called an ephah (after the size of the basket). This vision is called wickedness and portrays false religion.

Type: Devotional

The Lord Will Abundantly Pardon (Daily Portion 10223)

God has filled this short chapter with vivid pictures of redemption and wonderful verses of encouragement. Perhaps the theme of this chapter is that the Lord

Type: Devotional

The Organization of David (Daily Portion 10221)

David established a standing army as well as officers over different areas of the economy. God gave David a genius for organization that is clearly seen in this chapter.

Type: Devotional

Only Eight Survive the Flood (Daily Portion 10219)

In this chapter, God sent the flood that destroyed all breathing beings on the face of the earth. But first, He ensured the deliverance of Noah, his family, and all kinds of animals by shutting them in the ark Noah had built in obedience to God

Type: Devotional

Encouragement to the Barren (Daily Portion 10216)

God compares Israel to a barren or a forsaken woman in this chapter. For a small moment, He has hid His face from her. But He will bless her with everlasting kindness and show mercy unto her because of His covenant with her. This chapter is full of encouragement and kindness.

Type: Devotional
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:13

Who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness;