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Questions & Answers

Results for Questions & Answers

Melchizedek - Who was he?

Who was Melchizedek? Is this an appearance of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament or was this someone else?

Type: Question and Answer

Meaning of the Trinity

Please explain the trinity of GOD, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Type: Question and Answer

Matthew 5 - 7 Is It For Today?

Is Jesus introducing the Jews to the future kingdom of heaven on earth? And if that's the case, are the acts indicated in Matthew 5:29-30 the result of Matthew 5:28 and something believer's must physically carry out while in the future kingdom in order to enter into his final resting place?

Type: Question and Answer

Mammon of Unrighteousness

In Luke 16:1-12 I don't understand why the master praised the unjust steward for being a thief. Can you please explain.

Type: Question and Answer

Losing Your Salvation in 2 Peter

I believe in eternal security but someone recently showed me a couple of passages from 2 Peter that were difficult.

Type: Question and Answer

Lordship Salvation

What is the meaning of lordship salvation? Is it biblical? When a person accepts Christ as their personal Saviour, must they also accept Him as Lord of all?

Type: Question and Answer

Local versus Universal Church

Question asked about the local/universal church argument.

Type: Question and Answer

The Lily of the Valley

Can you tell me what the flower that is "the lily of the valley" symbolically referred to Christ? I would like to know if this is the same 'lily' promoted as the 'Easter lily'. After examining some of the roots of the holiday called "Easter", it is easy to see that most of this 'holiday' has nothing to do with the Resurrection of Christ.

Type: Question and Answer

The Lion and Lamb

The phrase "the lamb will lie down with the lion" is commonly used by believers but is it found in the scriptures? What does this phrase mean and to what time period is it referring?

Type: Question and Answer

Let Him Be Accursed

In Galatians 1:9, what does the phrase "let him be accursed" mean? Does this passage condemn to hell anyone who preaches another gospel?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 1:33

But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
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