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Questions & Answers

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Let God Be True, But Every Man A Liar

Do the Jehovah's Witness believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ?

Type: Question and Answer

Length of the First Day in Genesis

In the book of Genesis, how long was the first day?

Type: Question and Answer

The Law of Moses

Where do you find the Law of Moses? What books of the Bible are included in this?

Type: Question and Answer

Law and the Prophets

Which books in the Bible are called "The Law"? Which are called "The Prophets"?

Type: Question and Answer

The Last Trump

Is the trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15:52 the same as the trumpet of Revelation 11:15? If so, doesn't this mean that the church will not be raptured out until the end of the tribulation?

Type: Question and Answer

King Saul and King Solomon - Are they in Hell?

I know King Saul committed suicide and King Solomon worshipped idols, so are they in hell?

Type: Question and Answer

John 14:19 - The Appearance of Christ

Please explain what Jesus meant in John 14:19 when He said the world will see Him no more, but the eleven disciples would see Him again. I used to be a Jehovah Witness, but am not any more. Because of their teachings, this verse is confusing to me.

Type: Question and Answer

Jewish Sacrifices - Why did they stop?

Why do Jews not make animal sacrifices today? When and why did it stop? I understand how Christ is the ultimate and only acceptable sacrifice to God, but what about the Jews- why have they stopped sacrificing? Could you please explain this?

Type: Question and Answer

Is Jesus a God?

Is Jesus a God?

Type: Question and Answer

Jesus Called the Son of David

Why does the bible refer Jesus the son of David? Although it can refer to the biological and immediate son of an earthly father, it can also have other meanings.

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 1:4

To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.
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