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The Bible repeatedly states that the Lord will receive praise and worship throughout eternity (Psalm 45:17; Psalm 145:2); yet, at the same time, there appears to be a shift in the praise at death (Psalm 30:9). Perhaps a man’s praise for the Lord while on earth is distinctly different from his praise for God in eternity. This would make sense in that man can choose to offer the sacrifice of praise (Psalm 54:6; Hebrews 13:15) from the overflow of his carnal heart now. While in eternity, he will praise the Lord from a soul sealed in righteousness. Therefore, a man ought to praise the Lord morning and evening (1 Chronicles 23:30), all the day long (Psalm 35:28), and continually (Psalm 34:1).
Praise is the natural overflowing of affection that occurs when one individual views some positive quality in another. Men praise God because they find His attributes and actions worthy of worship. They may praise Him for His overall greatness (1 Chronicles 16:25) or for His mercy (2 Chronicles 5:13). They may praise Him because of His great name (Psalm 7:17) or because of His power (Psalm 21:13). They may praise Him because of something He has done for them personally (Psalm 28:7). The foundation may vary, but men praise the Lord because they have reason to do so. In other words, the Lord has given His people ample reason to speak of His worth.
Adam and Eve, before the fall of man, were naked and rightfully unashamed (Genesis 2:25). The Bible indicates that the first notable difference following the fall came when the couple felt shame over their nakedness (Genesis 3:10). This shame led them to cover themselves with aprons sewn from fig leaves (Genesis 3:7). From that day forward, nakedness and shame have been inseparable. In Exodus 32, Aaron led the people of God in idolatrous worship which included dancing and nakedness. In that passage, the Bible says, “Aaron had made them naked unto their shame” (Exodus 32:25). The Lord reiterates this affiliation in a warning to the Laodiceans by saying that they should be clothed lest the shame of their nakedness appear (Revelation 3:18).
Many historians and certainly the Jews praised Solomon’s temple as the most glorious structure ever built. Yet, most people fail to realize that the love of Solomon’s father for the Lord supplied much of the material to make the temple a reality. The Bible says that David set his affection on the house of God and gave of his “own proper good, of gold and silver.” When we love someone, we have no trouble giving to that person. When we love a cause, we have no trouble giving to that cause. Perhaps one reason why some people fail to give to the Lord and His work stems from the fact that they really only love the Lord with lip service. Or possibly the reason why people fail to give to the work of the Lord is because they have no concern for the work of the Lord to continue. David gave because he set his affection on the house of God. Which example applies to you?
For some people, giving to the Lord is the equivalent of going to the dentist to have teeth pulled. They would rather do anything than to dip into their finances for the Lord. Yet, there are others who rejoice in giving to the work of the Lord. What is the difference between these two groups of people? One group gives from a willing heart. The other group, if they give at all, does so grudgingly (2 Corinthians 9:7). While giving instructions to Moses concerning an offering, the Lord said, “of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering” (Exodus 25:2). The Lord commands His people to give, but He desires that the giving be willing. The right heart in giving will rejoice that he gets to give and never considers that he has to give (1 Chronicles 29:9).
What a scene! The need was great. The people of God had been challenged to bring gifts so that the tabernacle of God could be built. They began to offer as the Lord had worked in their hearts. Yet, there was seemingly no end to their gifts. Every morning the people brought more offerings unto Moses for the work (Exodus 36:3). The offerings were so much that Bezaleel, Aholiab, and the other wise hearted men came to Moses and requested that the people stop bringing offerings. God so moved on the hearts of the people that they had brought “too much” (Exodus 36:7). Fast-forward to the present day. The work of the ministry requires sufficient money to fund its processes. Could you imagine the astonished look if ever the man of God told the congregation that “We have given too much”?
Christians seem to be getting ever busier and yet living spiritually less productive lives. It is dangerous to neglect taking the time to give God thanks. A cursory prayer at mealtime will not suffice to show God your gratitude. The Bible has many instances where men set aside specific times for the giving of thanks to God. For instance, the Bible refers to giving of thanks in the morning and again in the evening (1 Chronicles 23:30). Have you ever resolved to give God thanks first thing in the morning and again before retiring for the day? How would our walk with the Lord be different if we aspired to focus on thankfulness first thing in the morning and again the last thing in the evening? Another passage speaks of a man rising at midnight to give God thanks (Psalm 119:62). The Bible then talks of Daniel who took the time to give God thanks three times a day (Daniel 6:10). Christians should make time for thanksgiving on a daily basis!
We have already learned that our joy is to be found in the Lord and this joy is a special gift from above. With this truth foundational to our study, what are some things that we can do as believers that will bring us lasting joy? Far too many people think joy surfaces once the stresses of life cease or at least begin to diminish. Yet, the Bible teaches that joy can be found only in faithfully serving the Lord. Today's verse reveals that the disciples found joy through what God had done in and through them! Considering a few more scriptural examples of joy should help to solidify our mindset concerning this subject. The Bible records great joy as the people of God willingly sacrificed to the Lord (1 Chronicles 29:17). Proverbs 21:15 reveals that “It is joy to the just to do judgment.” The book of Luke tells us that there is joy in heaven when one sinner repents (Luke 15:7). From these and other examples, we know that true joy will be found when we willingly serve the Lord God, but never in the things of this world.
As we have seen, courage comes from a strength of heart. On the contrary, the Bible likens discouragement (the opposite of courage) to a melted heart (Joshua 2:11). In other words, discouragement takes place when a man’s heart loses strength. The Bible reveals that discouragement comes through various avenues of life. Men become discouraged because of “the way” (i.e., the circumstances of life) (Numbers 21:4). Discouragement also results from fear and unbelief (Deuteronomy 1:28) and the magnitude of a task (1 Chronicles 28:20). Ultimately, discouragement rears its ugly head as a result of a lack of faith in God and His word. Since discouragement and a lack of faith go hand in hand, a discouraged man cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6).