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For by grace we are saved.
Neither the word <em>missions</em> nor the word <em>missionary</em> is found in the Bible. Yet, it is difficult to read through Acts or Paul’s epistles without seeing its practice on every page. Mission comes from the Latin word missio and means a sending or sending away. A mission is defined as a sending out with authority to perform a special duty.
Are you willing to give yourself to charity, a good conscience and faith in the words of God? According to the scriptures, a departure from these principles will end in danger every time.
In our day we have reduced lies to bad lies and white lies. We justify reasons for not telling the truth and it is so much a part of us that our conscience doesn’t even bother us any more.
A covenant is a solemn agreement. The most important covenants in the Bible are those in which God makes a covenant with man: the Abrahamic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant, etc. Here is a covenant which man makes with God. The Israelites recognize the importance of God and covenant together to wholly follow Him.