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College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
Noah's ark was a real, historical boat, but it is also a glorious type of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It's the story of three of David's mighty men who break through the battle line of the Philistines in order to bring David a drink of water from the well at Bethlehem. Though David had longed for the water, he does not drink of it because of the danger the men exposed themselves to in order to give to him. So, he poured the water out to the Lord. What's the significance of this story? How can we apply it to our lives?
The covenant of Moab deals more with the heart and the motive of love. We will look at one of the major provisions of the covenant and apply it to our lives.
Many believers could be greatly offended that we would even deal with the issue of Santa Claus. “It is innocent”, you can hear them say. Yet a careful look into the scriptures would deny that this lie is anywhere near innocent.