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Questions and Answers

To whom am I supposed to pray? My dad was a Mormon, my older sister used to be Pentecostal but is now Lutheran, and one of my friends is Jehovah Witness. They caused a great confusion for me. Also I have been reading the NIV. I do believe in Jesus and that he died for our sins. I am not confused about the trinity, in fact, I believe in it, but who am I suppose to pray if I want to repent and be saved - our heavenly Father or Jesus? or does it make any difference?
What does "their worm and their thirst will never be quenched" mean?
I have a question that you may be able to answer.  The JW's say that the word "hell" in the Bible does not always refer to the lake of fire but sometimes the abode of the dead or the grave.  I have heard others say that when the terms sheol, Hades, etc are translated "hell" that the King James Translators understood that it was a reference to the lake of fire. Which is true?
Describe how people were saved in the Old Testament after the law was given?
1 Samuel 15:22 - What kind of sacrifice pleases God? What does He reject?
I have just read your article on the Sabbath. I am interested to know what you think of Isaiah 56. Is it not new covenant
(everlasting name)? This passage is also referring to the foreigner and the eunuch (gentile perhaps). Love to hear your view!