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Questions and Answers

When will those who are saved during the millennium get resurrected? There will be those entering the Kingdom in a physical body and therefore there will those being born in the Kingdom in a physical (who presumably will be required to be born again) and their body would need to be changed. When will the tribulation saints and the millennial saints be judged? Everyone talks about the Judgment seat of Christ for saved in this age and the Great white throne judgment for the lost. Leaving no judgment for the Tribulation and the Millennial saints. Some even go so far as to say that the church age saints alone will be at the Judgment seat of Christ now leaving no judgment for the Old Testament Saints either.
I was wondering about the dinosaurs and prehistoric animals; how all of this was part of the creation and if they were part of the plan or creation. Was there millions of years between them and the first people?
Doesn't the Bible indicate that God has already chosen those He will save, we just do not know who they are, because we do not have the "foreknowledge" spoken about in the Bible?
I am trying to find scriptures on where God came from. Can you please direct me?
Where in the Bible does it state that the ceremonial law was nailed to the cross?