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I understand the Bible says that God requires a blood sacrifice (Hebrews 9:22). I have heard preachers say that if Jesus had not shed any blood, then his death would not have been a valid sacrifice. Why does God require a blood sacrifice? I know the life of the flesh is in the blood (you can not live without blood), but you can die without bleeding. What is the significance of the blood sacrifice?
Can I get scriptures that support baptism as part of salvation besides Mark 16:16?
With so many religions and religious texts, how can we know the Bible is true, and that Christianity is the right way of living out the biblical text?
The Greek word 'agape' is translated both as 'charity' and 'love' in many places in the new testament in the KJV.  What is the difference?
We have a couple of Santa's in the house. After reading James Melton's tract on it, should we throw them away; and also, should we not give them as gifts to the nursing home residents?
The scriptures say that the Apostle Peter was married and that she was lead to martyrdom in Rome. I would like to know as much as possible about Peter's wife. Was she traveling with him all the time? Did they have children?