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Questions and Answers

In our Bible study at church we are working our way through Hebrews and in my own daily reading I have been in Ezekiel. Recently I have read through the last 8 chapters concerning the millennial temple.  It's been very interesting to me to compare some of the statements made in Hebrews with what we read in the last 8 chapters of Ezekiel.  I have to say that I have questions without answers.
Which books in the Bible are called "The Law"? Which are called "The Prophets"?
Do you have anything on this subject? I don't know if you believe that the Jews have lost there promise or not but do you have any thing on your web site about this?
Why is there such a recent surge in the popularity of movies and TV shows dealing with "messages from the dead?" Why is the practice of consulting with psychics, such as Sylvia Brown or John Edwards (who claim to talk to the dead and consult spirit guides) becoming spiritually acceptable to so many?
What are the "fiery stones" mentioned in Ezekiel 28:14?