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I was wondering about the dinosaurs and prehistoric animals; how all of this was part of the creation and if they were part of the plan or creation. Was there millions of years between them and the first people?
 I often hear preachers use the phrase "and the lamb will lie down with the lion". I am assuming they are quoting the Bible, but I can't find it. I have read Isaiah 11:6-8 and the Book of Revelation numerous times and have yet to find it. What does this phrase the lamb will lie down with the lion mean?
Please explain Isaiah chapter twenty-four.
It seems that there is a new fad in churches today with making "prophetic" banners which has to be changed every now and then. They state that their is meaning to the colors each time and yet it seems more to me that they are making it a doctrine that is unscriptural. Is there anywhere in the Bible that can be used to prove or disapprove this?