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Questions and Answers

Is celebrating birthdays biblically wrong?
Can I get scriptures that support baptism as part of salvation besides Mark 16:16?
If Adam sinned and fell, why should I need salvation? How can the sin of Adam affect me? What does the Psalmist refer to when he says my mother conceived me in sin? Please explain the concept of natural sin clearly.
Do you have anything on this subject? I don't know if you believe that the Jews have lost there promise or not but do you have any thing on your web site about this?
I became a believer because of the fear of failure. I had failed in certain important exams throughout life.  I am now an intern lay pastor working.  I need to write exams to be promoted at the office.  I realize that I wont have time to concentrate on my studies because I am now in charge of a Church.  I sincerely need your advice on what to do?