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I was just looking at your website and I don't understand why Christians can write such hateful speech about other Christians who might disagree or struggle to believe their point of view. As a Christian, I would never even think about describing my fellow Christians in such a way. How can I trust a fellow Christian who would speak of other saved individuals like that?
I would like to know where the custom of praying in church came from. As I try and find it in the Bible, it says that we are not to pray publicly, but we are to go to our closets and pray in private. Can you help me with this?
Should we participate in the man made holiday of Lent?
Please help me out here. We are studying the qualifications for a Pastor. If he is divorced can he still be ordained? Does it matter who is at fault? What about the passage in 1Corinthians 7 "not bound". Someone in our church is divorced and wants to become a pastor, it is causing a lot of strife in church and families.
What is the correlation/connection between water baptism and church membership? I see where Acts 2:41 references both baptism and adding to the church in the same context, but have not found where baptism is clearly required for church membership.