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Results for Matthew

Giving in Secret

Matthew chapter 6 talks about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. What does this mean and biblically what is the meaning of left and right hand in the Bible?

Type: Question and Answer

Gifts of the Spirit - Are They for Today?

Benny Hinn, John Hagee, Rod Parsley and many others from TBN practice healing and speaking in tongues along with other things. Is this scriptural?

Type: Question and Answer

The Gift of the Holy Ghost

What is the gift of the holy ghost?

Type: Question and Answer

The Genealogy of Jesus

What is the genealogy of Jesus?

Type: Question and Answer

Friday Crucifixion?

What day of the week did Jesus die on the cross? And how can one get three days from Friday even to Sunday morning?

Type: Question and Answer

Free Will And Giving Back Salvation

I agree with you on losing your salvation but I have heard the argument that you have the free will to give God back your salvation.

Type: Question and Answer

Fasting and Prayer

How does one go about fasting, and what are the different types of fasting?

Type: Question and Answer

The Eye of a Needle

In the city of Jerusalem in Biblical times was there such a thing as the "Needle Gate" which allowed people in the city at night?

Type: Question and Answer

The Essence of God

Why do Christians say God is self-existent, eternal, spirit and trinitarian? What scriptures support this claim?

Type: Question and Answer

Elijah and Enoch

If the Old Testament saints went to paradise when they died, how do you explain Elijah and Enoch?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:4

If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;