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Results for Matthew

Does the Bible Teach Soul Sleep?

Does the soul just go to sleep after death awaiting the return of the Lord?

Type: Question and Answer

Does Jesus Hate?

Why does Jesus hate anything or anyone? Revelation 2:6 says, "But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of Nicolaitans, which I also hate."

Type: Question and Answer

Does God Have a Soul?

There are several passages in the Bible that seem to indicate God has a soul. Is this a soul as we often think of elsewhere in the scripture or is it something different?

Type: Question and Answer

Did Jesus Have a Sin Nature?

Was Jesus born with a sin nature? How can it be truly said of Him that He was tempted in every way that we are if He didn't inherit the sin nature from Mary? What makes it so remarkable that He didn't sin if He wasn't even born with the sin nature?

Type: Question and Answer

Did Christ Have an Eternal Body?

Some say God's essence is spirit and, therefore, that image is mind, will, and emotions (or similar variations) and cannot include anything physical like a body. Some put forth that the image is spirit, soul, and body. But even most of those admit that the body is looking forward to Jesus as God in the flesh. Why couldn't the Word have had a physical body before the incarnation and, thus, man being made in God's image would be body, soul, and spirit?

Type: Question and Answer

Degrees of Punishment in Hell

Person 'A' is a child/rapist/killer. Person 'B' is very kind and never intentionally hurt anyone. They both die without accepting Jesus as Saviour. Will there be any difference with regards to the degree of punishment they will receive after death?

Type: Question and Answer

Is a Deacon a Servant?

It is true that deacons are to be servants, but Jesus said that all who will minister for the Him are servants and that those who are to be chief must be servants.

Type: Question and Answer

What Is A Cult?

What are some of the characteristics of a cult?

Type: Question and Answer

Creation of Heaven and Hell

In Genesis 1 it says that God created the heavens. When was heaven created? Also, when was hell created. Was it before or after the fall of Lucifer and his angels?

Type: Question and Answer

Could Christ Have Sinned?

Bible students have argued for years over whether or not Christ could have sinned when the devil tempted Him (Matthew 4; Luke 4). But is it possible that we are asking the wrong question?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.