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Bible Dictionary Entry. Abba is the transliteration of the Aramaic word for father. It is always used as a direct address to God the Father.
Many a misguided believer or critic who opposes the death penalty will quote the well known sixth commandment, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13) as the basis for their argument.
Now let us consider what is most properly called Spirit baptism. The Bible does not talk as much about this one. However, it is a Bible doctrine. At the point of salvation the Holy Spirit places us into Jesus Christ. When a soul trusts in Christ and is saved, he or she is “in Christ.”
To understand the baptism with the Holy Ghost, you must understand that it was an event. Acts 1:6 teaches that the baptism with the Holy Ghost would occur “not many days hence.” We know that this baptism occurred in Acts chapter two on the Day of Pentecost. It was a special day. It was a unique day. It is not to be sought again and again.
What is a conviction? One person says that it is no more than a personal opinion. Others define it as those things for which you would be willing to die; all else is a preference. Some teach that convictions are based on direct scriptural teaching. Others teach that convictions are not even scriptural. Why all the confusion? What is a good biblical approach to the concept of convictions? Let us see if we can make any sense out of it all.