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Almighty God seems to fear we will hesitate to ask largely, apprehensive that we will strain His ability. He declares that He is ‘able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.’ [Ephesians 3:20]...
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him” [Psalm 25:14]. He deals familiarly with them. He calls them not servants only, but friends; and he treats them as friends [John 15:15]...
God’s power of acting is not really distinct from his will; it is sufficient to the existence of a thing that God wills it to exist; he can act what he will only by his will, without any instruments…
The highest expression of the will of God in this age is the church which He purchased with His own blood. To be scripturally valid any religious activity must be part...
L. E. Maxwell lists a few of the “subtle forms of worldliness which lure us to the rocks, and wreck our Christian testimony...
Recently, I have heard a new doctrine proposed. It is that unfaithful Christians of this age will not be in the kingdom. That is, they will not participate in the millennial reign of Christ on earth, but will...