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F. B. Meyer, the British Baptist whose books have blessed multitudes, gave full credit and glory to God, yet he did not neglect the human side...
“Do not be discouraged by present appearances. The sunshine is behind the cloud...
Almighty God seems to fear we will hesitate to ask largely, apprehensive that we will strain His ability. He declares that He is ‘able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.’ [Ephesians 3:20]...
William Bell Riley (1861-1947) served for many years as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Minneapolis, Minnesota (from 1897 to 1943). He was also a key figure in the early independent Baptist church movement...
The same God who in his revelation limits himself, as it were, to definite places, occasions, and persons, is, nevertheless, exalted infinitely high above the whole realm of nature and every creature...
A dying publican’s wife, in England, recently gave the following encouraging testimony, as narrated by the evangelist who visited her. He says: ‘I was asked to go to a public house in Nottingham and see the landlord’s wife, who was dying. I found her rejoicing in Christ as her Saviour. I asked her how she had found the Lord...
If grass were blue, how would we know up from down? The answer: equilibrium. Our equilibrium helps us keep balance, know up from down, and have a feel for our location or position. Without it, we...