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An article in the September 15, 2006, edition of "Forward" tells of the sweet challah bread that is on every Rosh Hashanah table throughout the Jewish world. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year and it is equivalent to the Feast of the Trumpets in the Bible (Leviticus 23:23-25). Challah is a sweet bread especially made for the occasion to symbolize the desire for a sweet and good year. It is usually baked in a round or spiral shape. This roundness is used to symbolize the round crowns of the righteous and the cycle of the year. Since a circle has no end, it also indicates the desire for a long life.
Mathematics can be quite complex, yet one of the most basic divisions of mathematics is called arithmetic.  You may better grasp what I am talking about when I say that the most basic operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  A grasp of these basic operations is a necessity for anyone who desires to grasp any of the more complex divisions of mathematics.  Interestingly enough, the same things hold true for the Christian life.  It can be quite complex, but at the same time we could break it down to the simplicity of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
What does it mean to exercise faith? Is it praying about something and doing nothing until the answer comes? Is it foolishly walking through life with absolutely no answers?