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The following is a quote from p42 of Winsome Christianity by Henry Durbanville:
Psalm 107 is an amazing Psalm with an amazing end. The last verse of this Psalm says, "Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD." On the surface, you would expect this Psalm to deal with the sweet times of blessings and gifts from God, but the opposite is true. The chapter gives five examples of troubles or trials in the lives of people. Some experience troubles because of sin and some because the Lord led them into troubles and some just because of everyday life. Two verses are repeated four times each. One of these verses is repeated in verses 6, 13, 19 and 28 and it says, "Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses." The other verse is repeated in verses 8, 15, 21, and 31 and it says, "Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" These verses demonstrate not only a purpose for trials in the lives of men and women, but it also builds on the idea of the lovingkindness of the LORD. The lovingkindness of the Lord seems to be connected to His dealings as a Father. He allows or causes trials and troubles in our lives to bring us to a point where we cry out to Him and then He delivers us. When He delivers us, He desires praises from our lips. Through these trials we are drawn closer to Him and are strengthened in faith. This truly is the lovingkindness of the Lord.
"When burdened with sins from 2006; just burn them up for a real quick fix." Martin Luther dealt with a Roman Catholic agent who sold indulgences with a catchy ditty. Perhaps the preceeding one might work for the new sellers of quick fix forgiveness. Thursday's "Wall Street Journal" revealed a growing trend in churches and the modern spiritual community. More and more congregations are meeting for a service in which they write the sins and failures of the previous year on a piece of paper. Then, in a heart uplifting ceremony, they burn the pieces of paper to symbolize the doing away of these sins and their readiness to face a new year clean and ready to do better. The ceremony is getting rave reviews from many religious groups.
In Amos 6:1-6, we find three anchors of hope for the people of Judah. In verses 1-2, we see that they are trusting in the might of their own military. In verse 3, we see that they are trusting in the power of positive thinking, and in verses 4-6 we see that they are resting in their lives of luxury. All of this hope proved to be shallow for Judah, and the same thing holds true for any other nation holding on to these same things.
Inside of your mouth lies one of the most dangerous weapons ever used by mankind. It has destroyed friends, families, churches and peoples. It is such a little member, but it packs a wicked punch. That member is your tongue. It ought to be used to praise the Lord and spread His word, but is most often used to devour others and spread gossip. This member of yours is so dangerous that the Bible likens it to a sharp sword or razor (Psalm 52:2; Psalm 57:4; Psalm 59:7; Psalm 64:3), to a serpent (Psalm 140:3), and to a fire (James 3:5-6). Perhaps we ought to pray like David when he said, "Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips." (Psalm 141:3).