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Paul was one of the most religious people ever to live. In spite of his religious efforts, he was condemned to hell until he trusted Christ as Saviour.
God especially cares for all those that the world frequently disregards. For instance, the Bible points out that the Lord is “the helper of the fatherless,” and the poor commit themselves unto His care (Psalm 10:14). Why is it important for the poor to look up for their help? Because the Lord regards “the oppression of the poor” (Ecclesiastes 5:8) and delivers the poor “from him that is strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him” (Psalm 35:10). Jeremiah confirmed this truth when he said, “the LORD . . . hath delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers” (Jeremiah 20:13). The world may regard the poor as a burden, but the Lord sees them as one of His highest priorities.
Some have mistakenly assumed riches suggest godliness. Their assumptions are based upon two fallacies: the poor experience poverty in relation to their sins against God, while the rich live abundantly because of their faithful obedience to the Lord. Although it is true that riches come from God, it is not true that righteousness is always rewarded with riches, while wickedness is always punished with poverty. Some of the most faithful believers in mankind’s history owned little more than the clothes that adorned their bodies. It is both unscriptural and dangerous to assume that these faithful believers were under the judgment of God. The Bible explicitly states the response toward those who suppose that gain is godliness. The Bible says, “from such withdraw thyself.”