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Perceived strength can be one’s own worst enemy. After all, it leads people to think that they are more powerful and capable than they really are.
David prayed that the Lord would watch over his safety but also prayed that the Lord would hinder the efforts of the wicked. He asked God to refuse to grant the desires of the wicked and return their mischief upon their own heads. Within this context, he also prayed that the evil conceived by the wicked might “hunt the violent man to overthrow him.” He spoke of a similar theme when he sang of the wicked, “His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate” (Psalm 7:16) or crown of his head. David knew the reward eventually yielded by violence was the return of violence upon the offender.
Some Bible words are more difficult than others to define in the strictest sense; equity is one such word. Yet, the Lord provides enough information for any diligent student willing to compare spiritual things with spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:13). In Isaiah 59:14, the word equity relates to judgment, justice, and truth. The fact that the word equity occurs only ten times in scripture links it indirectly with the Ten Commandments. Within those ten occurrences, the word basically involves judging with equality based upon a just standard. Additionally, Judges 1:7 and 2 Chronicles 6:23 reveal that the related word requite means to get even or to return evenly. The Lord will prove in the future that this is the standard by which He judges (Psalm 98:9). Since believers are to be Christlike, this too should be true of His faithful followers.