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God wants everyone to be firmly established in sound doctrine. The more time an individual spends in his Bible, the better grounded in truth he becomes. With the importance placed upon establishing believers, God warned about being “carried about with divers and strange doctrines” (Hebrews 13:9) and about being “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians 4:14). The Devil hates Christians who become rooted and grounded in the truth. This is why he weakens and destroys believers by propagating doctrines contrary to scripture. Men may be the facilitators of false doctrines but the ultimate plan of deception is crafted by the Devil himself.
Giving by faith requires giving God the firstfruits of one’s increase. The Lord not only wants us to bring our gifts to Him but also wants us to give to Him first. According to Proverbs 3:9, we should honour the Lord with the firstfruits of our increase. We are not to pay all our bills only to give God the leftovers. God is to take first place each and every time. This makes giving to Him an act of faith. After all, “without faith it is impossible to please him” (Hebrews 11:6). This includes the area of giving where so many seem to struggle so much. Is God honoured when we decide to simply give Him the leftovers? Certainly not! Yet, when we give God the first of our increase, we signify to Him that we trust that He will meet the remaining needs we may have.