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The preacher of God’s words has many responsibilities. One such responsibility concerns his obligation to charge believers to live their lives in such a way that they may be void of blame. Paul gave Timothy instructions concerning one’s treatment of other believers (especially widows). This is not the only scriptural admonition to avoid blame. In fact, the scripture is filled with instructions dealing with other subjects meant to help the believer avoid being justly blamed. God instructed the man of God to teach and preach these truths in order to guide the believer. It remains each believer’s responsibility to believe the words of God and live in accordance with those words so as not to bring reproach upon the name or cause of Christ.
Christians frequently find it difficult to consistently make their practice align with their position in Christ. The saints of God are positionally blameless in Christ, but practically, each believer must strive daily to “be blameless and harmless . . . in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation.” In this world, believers represent the Lord as sons of God. As such, they should “do all things without murmurings and disputings.” Why is this so very important? The importance points to the fact that believers are to “shine as lights in the world.” It is imperative that every believer strives daily to live a godly life and preserves a godly testimony in a world that has little to no knowledge of God (Matthew 5:16).
Though peace may seem illusive, God instructs all believers to pursue after it. True inner peace is not something that one can afford to live without. The Bible says, “seek peace, and pursue it.” Peter reiterates this truth by saying, “seek peace, and ensue it” (1 Peter 3:11).  Men should seek after peace; and when found, they should allow nothing to prevent them from fully seizing upon it. The Lord said, “therefore love the truth and peace” (Zechariah 8:19). Several New Testament verses repeat the importance of peace by admonishing the believer to follow after it (Romans 14:19; 2 Timothy 2:22; Hebrews 12:14). God certainly wants us to seek peace (1 Corinthians 7:15) and makes peace attainable. Yet, He demands that we pursue after His peace His way because any other peace is really no peace at all.
Society has become increasingly tumultuous offering vast distractions yet supplying little peace of mind. Unfortunately, most people seeking peace do so through the wrong means. Some seek it through entertainment, some through medication, some through relationships, and others through materialism; but their desire for peace remains an ever elusive quest. God is the only source offering true and lasting peace. In fact, the word of God identifies the Lord five times as the “God of peace” (Romans 15:33; Romans 16:20; Philippians 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20). Another passage identifies Him as the “Lord of peace” (2 Thessalonians 3:16). Additionally, the Lord Jesus is identified as “The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Not only do these truths affirm that the Lord has peace to offer, but that He is the One in control of providing peace. Trying to find peace apart from God’s working is comparable to salvation without a Saviour.