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Any person who truly loves the Lord has a strong desire to worship Him. Yet, we frequently fail to realize the various opportunities of worship. The Bible closely connects worship to the word worth, much like the word praise is closely connected to the word appraisal. When we worship the Lord, we declare what we think about His worth to us. Perhaps, you never considered that true confession of sins to a holy God declares God’s worth to you. We see this in our passage when confession and worship are mentioned together (Nehemiah 9:3). When we confess our sins to the Lord, we are telling God that we desire His fellowship more than we desire the pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:25).
Many people view meekness as an inherent weakness, yet the Bible corrects this faulty notion. The ability to demonstrate meekness in a time of ridicule or persecution displays strength. Today's passage reveals that a man slow to anger is “better than the mighty.” In fact, a man that “ruleth his spirit” is better than a military conqueror who “taketh a city.” Rather than a weakness, the ability to demonstrate meekness is a sign of great strength. The Bible declares that the Lord Jesus Christ was meek (Matthew 11:29); yet He simultaneously held the world together “by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3). We see that God referred to Moses as meek, yet he had the power through the Lord to part the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21) and to open the earth and swallow his enemies (Numbers 16:28-34). Weak individuals respond in anger when attacked; those who are strong exercise meekness.