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The last few studies have sought to dispel the notion that the Bible condemns judging. Today’s verse is no exception. Notice that the verse begins with a coordinating conjunction. The word but indicates that our verse serves a continuation of the thought that preceded it. The previous verse refers to the natural man which is someone who does not know the Lord as Saviour. Because he is not saved, he cannot discern the things of God. Today’s passage states that the “spiritual [man] judgeth all things.” A spiritual man is not only a saved man but one who enjoys the peace of God and daily fellowship with God. The other scriptural designation for man (in addition to the natural man [unsaved], and spiritual man [saved and in good fellowship]) is the carnal man [saved, but not in good fellowship]. Since the carnal man lacks the proper fellowship with the Lord (1 Corinthians 3:1), he may discern but fails in the proper execution of that discernment. Those claiming that believers should not judge are simply foolish. In fact, a spiritual man will judge all things but do so only based upon righteous judgment (John 7:24).
Carnal Christians and those who do not know the Lord consider judging others as the greatest of sins. The opposite actually holds true. Believers fail when they refuse to judge “righteous judgment.” So often, men judge people and situations simply by what is seen or through an emotional response. Yet, this is completely contrary to the scriptural admonition to judge. Instead, we are to “judge righteous judgment.” How can this be consistently done? First and foremost, we need a righteous standard by which to compare all things. In John 12:48, we learn of that righteous standard when the Lord Jesus said that His words would judge men. The Bible is a perfect Book containing perfect laws and offers a perfect standard for making judgments. Therefore, all judgment should be based upon the infallible standards provided by God within His glorious word. We will never go wrong with judging according to God’s perfect standard.
It is important to realize that the perception of peace in a person's life can be truly deceptive. Those who live for the Devil and for themselves may seem to prosper and enjoy peace. They may even testify of the peace that they seem to enjoy while those living for the Lord honestly exhibit trials and temptations associated with such a relationship. Yet, we have God's word on the matter: the wicked have no peace. This truth is so important that the Lord repeated the thought of the wicked having no peace in Isaiah 57:21. The wicked may enjoy times of calm in their lives, but these times are not the true and enduring peace that only comes from a relationship with the Saviour. Consider this vivid description before embarking on such a life: “the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt” (Isaiah 57:20). Peace comes from God!