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The knowledge of something wrong helps a spiritual person avoid such activity. On the surface, one might fail to distinguish much of a difference between the fruit of knowledge and charity in today’s passage. Both evidently build up the believer. Yet, a closer look reveals the major difference. The Bible says that knowledge “puffeth up.” The idea is that knowledge makes one feel superior and can offer a false strength. Knowledge seems to do the same work as charity, but knowledge without the charity serves as a façade. Charity, however, offers real growth and stability. Unlike knowledge, charity edifieth. Charity not only builds up the believer but also those who associate with that believer. The only way to be edified and the only way to edify others involves seeking the Lord for pure, unadulterated charity.
Believers should seek to be pure in every facet of life. One might consider limiting this to the places he goes or the things he hears and sees, but purity demands a much greater focus. Believers ought to think on pure things (Philippians 4:8) with pure minds (2 Peter 3:1) and pure consciences (1 Timothy 3:9; 2 Timothy 1:3). In particular, believers should have pure hearts before the Lord (1 Timothy 1:5; 2 Timothy 2:22). A pure heart will lead to a pure conscience and a pure mind. A pure heart changes where a man goes, what he looks upon, and the things he allows to enter into his ears. Every Christian should strive to make sure that all things are pure.
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, many things change; however, some themes remain constant. One such theme involves the Lord's desire to use pure things and pure people. God commanded His people in the Old Testament to make sure the things used in the tabernacle were purified (Leviticus 8:15). He also commanded that His servants be purified (Ezra 6:20). In the New Testament, the apostle Paul confirmed the continuation of this theme by saying that “pureness” approved him as a minister of God (2 Corinthians 6:4-6). God still requires those who serve to strive to live pure and holy lives. Impurities hinder the Lord’s effectiveness in our lives though we may not be aware of the hindrance.