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Sometimes the Bible conveys some disheartening truths including man’s inability to love the Lord during difficult times. Regrettably, believers are easily offended and sometimes even scattered from the Lord because of a lack of resolve. The Lord prophesied in Zechariah 13:7 concerning His followers’ reaction to His rejection. Though the Lord knows the future, consider how this rejection must have grieved Him when it actually transpired. At a time when any faithful disciple should have been loyal to his Master, those closest to the Lord were instead scattered. The One that fed them when they were hungry (Mark 6:35-44), healed family members when ill (Mark 1:29-31), calmed the troubled waters during the storms (Mark 4:37-41), and taught them many wonderful truths was now the cause of their offence.
Many have erroneously assumed that the disciples readily accepted Christ’s teachings concerning His death, burial, and resurrection. When Simon Peter first heard the Lord teach on the subject, he immediately took the Lord and rebuked Him for what He said. The Lord Jesus responded by rebuking Peter, going so far as calling him Satan. Peter rebuked the Lord because the Lord’s teaching did not align with Peter’s perception and plans. He had no authority for rebuking the Lord and should have submitted himself to the Lord’s teaching. Some things have changed, but some have not. Believers today “rebuke” the Lord when they respond carnally to God’s working within their lives. They fail to realize their duty is to submit to the Lord.