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Faith moves a believer to speak on the Lord’s behalf. If an individual believed a building would burn to the ground, he would naturally desire to warn those in danger. Believers in like manner desire to tell the lost of the judgment to come. Those who truly believe God’s impending judgment to be real and the way of salvation to be unquestionably necessary will naturally desire for their loved ones to learn these truths before eternally too late. If a person claims to have trusted the gospel for salvation but lacks a desire to tell others, that person should examine his conversion to confirm its genuineness.
Many have erroneously assumed that the disciples readily accepted Christ’s teachings concerning His death, burial, and resurrection. When Simon Peter first heard the Lord teach on the subject, he immediately took the Lord and rebuked Him for what He said. The Lord Jesus responded by rebuking Peter, going so far as calling him Satan. Peter rebuked the Lord because the Lord’s teaching did not align with Peter’s perception and plans. He had no authority for rebuking the Lord and should have submitted himself to the Lord’s teaching. Some things have changed, but some have not. Believers today “rebuke” the Lord when they respond carnally to God’s working within their lives. They fail to realize their duty is to submit to the Lord.
A slothful man hunts and even makes a kill but considers it too much work to prepare and roast that which he killed. He would rather see the meat go to waste than to put forth the effort necessary to preserve the food. However, a diligent man considers his substance to be precious. He has no desire to see something go to waste. Interestingly enough, the Lord Jesus made a point along these lines at the feeding of the five thousand. After He fed the multitude, the Lord Jesus told the disciples to “Gather up the fragments that remain[ed], that nothing be lost” (John 6:12). It was important to the Lord that His followers made full use of the substance given to them of the Father. Nothing was to go to waste. A diligent man considers every part to be precious, even those things the world would allow to spoil.