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One might think that people who spend a great deal of time studying would not be as weary as one who spends the majority of his time performing physical labour. Perhaps this is true at times, but the Bible indicates that “much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). This is specifically true when it comes to Bible study. Interestingly, man’s flesh can sit for hours reading a novel or watching television, but studying the scripture manifests a weariness of the flesh rather quickly. The eyes begin to feel the burden of remaining open and the mouth begins to yawn. Why? Because the flesh is wearied by study and the Devil uses our natural tendencies against us.
Historically, most believers did not have the option of searching the scriptures every day. In fact, local bodies of believers might have had only one copy of the scriptures or a portion of the scriptures that could be read only when the believers came together to worship the Lord. As time progressed, more and more copies of the scriptures began to circulate. In Acts chapter 17, the Bereans were declared to be noble because they searched the scriptures on a daily basis. Perhaps they each had copies, or they met at a place of worship and studied together, but either way, they were commended for their faithfulness to delve into God’s word. Now, as the Bible is readily available, believers should be more faithful than any previous generation to daily search of the scriptures.
Though despicable in the eyes of God, humility can be feigned or faked. Colossians 2:18 touches on this principle. The saints were admonished against demonstrating a “voluntary humility” while being “vainly puffed up” by their fleshly minds. Humility and being “puffed up” are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Yet, these believers pretended to be humble, while they were, in reality, puffed up. Colossians 2:23 reveals a second clear proof that humility can be false. Here the Bible speaks of things having “a shew” of “humility.” In other words, people can “shew” humility while being overtaken with pride. False humility can sometimes convince and satisfy others, but rest assured that God clearly knows the difference.
The Lord is high above His creation. He “is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens” (Psalm 113:4). He is so exalted that He must humble “himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth” (Psalm 113:6). As strange as it may seem, it humbles God to behold His creation (i.e., the sun, the moon, and the stars). The Bible even declares that “the stars are not pure in his sight” (Job 25:5). All of these things were created by God, yet it humbles Him to behold them. Not only is this true of the Father, but God the Son humbled Himself when He was adorned with a body of flesh (Philippians 2:8). God created man, yet it humbled Him to take on a body of flesh like man.