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The Lord took great pains in ensuring that the details of creation were just as He desired. He left nothing to itself in hopes that it would turn out, but knowingly cared for the smallest details. David understood this truth but declared that this care extended beyond the initial creation. Not only had God created and cared for the initial creation, but David proclaimed that he was also “fearfully and wonderfully made.” In order to add some context to his statement, David acknowledged that he spoke of the time when he was in his mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). If this were not enough, several other passages identify the Lord as the One who formed the child within the womb (Isaiah 44:2, 24; Isaiah 49:5; Jeremiah 1:5).
Like other callings upon a person’s life, God prepares men and women for marriage. Obviously, God prepares the heart, but He also prepares other areas in order to provide for a strong home. When God created Adam, He could have immediately created Eve, but He chose to allow Adam to experience the sense of being alone. Perhaps there are other reasons, but God may have thought it wise to prepare Adam for marriage. He needed to experience life without Eve. Adam needed to come to the place where he desired companionship. He needed to be alone before he could truly appreciate a wife. In addition to the preparation of Adam’s heart, the Lord gave him a job, a means by which he could provide for Eve (Genesis 2:8-9, 15). All of these preparations were necessary for a strong marriage relationship.
Oftentimes the right solutions do not resolve the problems overnight—consider Noah, the ark, and the flood. Patience is a necessity! They all knew God’s plan involved drying the earth and sending them forth from the ark. No doubt, each passing day made it increasingly difficult to wait upon the Lord to resolve the problem that kept them locked in the ark. A man who demands a hasty solution to his problems often fails to find God’s ultimate solution. God’s solutions almost always require time and patience. The problems arose over a period of time and finding their solutions takes time also. The areas of life where troubles most often appear (i.e., sin, family, job, finances) are rarely solved apart from time and patience.
Problems are a reality of life. The Lord cautioned concerning this truth when He said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation” (John 16:33). Simon Peter echoed this sentiment when he said, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you” (1 Peter 4:12). Problems, trials, and tribulations occur because of sin’s presence, and so long as sin remains within this world, men will face difficulties. Though the nature of these problems varies, the foundational solutions are the same: problems must be faced, and spiritual, scriptural solutions must be sought. Failure to do so only increases the presence and impact of the problems.