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Unscriptural authority undermines God’s true authority. Unfortunately, many well-meaning Christians have determined that their own experiences or feelings hijack God’s authority. Authority, however, is only proper when it is within the God-given boundaries established by God’s word. One example is the authority to teach and lead men. According to scripture, this authority is not given to women (1 Timothy 2:12), and when a woman seeks to commandeer this authority, she does so apart from the Lord’s leading. The same holds true when children try to lead the home, or when others seek authority that the Lord never intended for them.
The character of the individual in authority affects everyone under his authority. People mourn when a nation, congregation, or family unit is ruled by one who is wicked. On the other hand, those same people would rejoice under the right authority of a righteous ruler. When Pharaoh ruled over God’s people in Egypt, their lives were made bitter with hard bondage (Exodus 1:8-14). Their days were filled with sorrow and affliction (Exodus 3:7). In contrast, when Solomon ruled over the people of God in Jerusalem, there was great rejoicing (1 Kings 1:40; 1 Kings 5:7). This truth not only applies to Israel, but to every nation, church, workplace, and family.
It is difficult for new and sometimes older Christians to fully comprehend sin's effects. From God’s perspective, every facet of sin involves a vile act. However, from man’s viewpoint, though sin can be extremely harmful, the temporary pleasures (Hebrews 11:25) distract from sin's injurious nature. For instance, Proverbs 6:24 warns about the “evil woman.” We might think this to mean that we should stay away from women who say bad things, yet the evil woman does not always speak negatively. In fact, this woman is said to speak with flattery; she says nice things but with impure motives. This warning is so important that it was given on multiple occasions (Proverbs 2:16; Proverbs 6:24; Proverbs 7:5, 21). The warning here is given specifically about a strange woman (a woman other than the man’s wife), but it applies to men and women alike. We ought to always be on guard about those who flatter us with their words.
Nobody likes to spend time around those who act in a rude or insulting manner. Most people would rather spend people-time with those who focus on saying nice things. However, the truth is that one is just as spiritually dangerous to one's well-being as the other. This is why the Bible warns us to “meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.” Flattery is directly connected to deceit and covetousness; therefore, God intends for His warning to help Christians avoid people who say nice things deceitfully. These people intend to take advantage of their target. Far too many people have been mistreated and lied to by others whom they thought to be dear friends. It is best to avoid those with flattering lips.
Today's passage proves the Bible truth that our thoughts are not God’s thoughts, neither our ways His ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). God's thoughts are always unimaginably loftier than ours. Unlike God, our thoughts are bound by our limited knowledge. Contrary to the Lord’s, our knowledge is easily corrupted through various influences. This is why scripture reading and preaching often conflicts with our natural thought process. For instance, our natural mind considers rebuke something harmful, negatively affecting the person receiving it. We also naturally consider flattery as something beneficial and uplifting to the recipient. Yet, we have already seen how flattery can be harmful, but have you ever considered the superiority of a rebuke? The Bible says rebuke is better because of what it yields “afterwards.” In the long run, rebuke is far superior to flattery.
Biblical terminology is very important. For example, ignorance of Bible vocabulary has led people to believe that flattery is considerate if it makes others feel good. Yet, the picture presented by scripture is contrary to this line of thinking. Flattery harms both the giver and the recipient. According to scripture, “A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin” (Proverbs 26:28). While we have been led to believe flattery edifies, in reality, it destroys. This truth is confirmed in Proverbs 29:5 where the Bible says, “A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet.” Even the flatterer is harmed by his flattery: “He that speaketh flattery to his friends, even the eyes of his children shall fail” (Job 17:5). Without a doubt, flattery harms all those involved.
An inheritance can come in many forms from those who have departed this life. It may include homes, cars, furnishings, and even one's entire life savings. These treasures can help and bless those in need. However, no material blessings can surpass the spiritual blessings that come directly from the Lord. Material inheritances usually come from parents or other relatives, but the Bible points to an inheritance that only comes from the Lord: a prudent wife. We may consider prudence as an irreplaceable trait for a man, but this blessing holds true for a woman also. A prudent wife is of great worth and a wonderful gift from God. The Bible confirms that a man blessed with a prudent wife and children blessed with a prudent mother should thank the Lord.
Every astute Bible student knows the importance God places upon wisdom. Accordingly, the Bible says, “Wisdom is the principal thing” (Proverbs 4:7). The verse continues, “therefore get wisdom.” No doubt, wisdom serves as one of the most important gifts for which a believer should seek God. In fact, the Lord promises, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him” (James 1:5). More than likely, these truths are not new, but some Christians fail to recognize the association of wisdom with prudence. We ought to rejoice knowing that by seeking prudence, we are seeking wisdom; and by seeking wisdom, we are seeking prudence.
Many people, including Christians, find criticism hard to accept, especially when the criticism seems to be unjustified. However, criticism (or reproof as the Bible refers to it) remains a useful tool in developing one's character. Today's text says, “A fool despiseth his father’s instruction.” In fact, the fool refuses to readily receive instruction, certain that he does not need to hear it. Yet, the prudent “regardeth reproof.” A prudent man will listen to the instructions or reproofs of others knowing that the Lord uses reproofs to adjust one’s shortcomings. The prudent man may or may not totally agree with the criticisms, but will listen to them knowing that God can still use these reproofs to change his heart.
Today, man has access to more information than at any time in history. Yet people generally seem to incorporate less spiritual research. Today's text contrasts two people and their modes of research. “The simple believeth every word.” A simple man reads something and accepts it as truth without due consideration. He hears an advertisement and buys a product without additional research. He hears something taught and believes it without considering that the source may be tainted. However, a prudent man does not behave like the simple. The Bible says that he “looketh well to his going.” He doesn’t believe something merely because he considers the teacher smart. He doesn’t buy a product simply because someone said he couldn't do without it. He studies, he researches, and he learns the facts before making his choices or decisions.